ASC moves to EUROPARK – Mozart Open ladies semifinal LIVE at 18:30

Today Austria’s biggest Squash event moves to the glasscourt at the EUROPARK shopping mall. This venue will host the Austrian Squash Challenge until 8th June with many programmes for players and spectators.

The first attraction will be the semifinal of the Mozart Open ladies. After playing the first three rounds at Tenniscourts Süd the players will have the chance to showcase the sport on this amazing stage in front of many spectators.

These are the semifinal matches for Friday at EUROPARK Salzburg:

18:30: [2] Alison Thomson (SCO, WRL 82) – [4] Kiera Marshall (ENG, WRL 89) 8/11, 11/6, 12/10, 3/11, 17/15 69min
19:30: [1] Saran Nghiem (ENG, WRL 66) – [9/16] Michaela Cepová (CZE, WRL 205) 11/4, 11/7, 11/6 22min

Matches will be streamed live on the Austrian Squash Challenge Facebook page. Livescoring is available on the PSA World Tour Website.

More information can be found on the tournament website